Feel free to browse through our past events and see what we've been up to! (By date of occurrence from most recent to most past.)
Past Events

Nietzsche Circle Annual Fundraiser
When: Friday, May 17th, 2019 @ 7:00pm
Where: Beyhan Karahan & Associates Architects, P.C.
55 Greene Street, 3rd Floor
An Evening with Music and Philosophy
When: Friday, November 3rd, 2017 @ 6:00pm
Where: Beyhan Karahan & Associates Architects, P.C.
55 Greene Street, 3rd Floor

Nietzsche & Transhumanism
When: Thursday, November 16th, 2017 @ 4:00pm
Where: Stevens Institute of Technology, Carnegie 316, Hoboken, NJ
Myth vs. History: A Multi-Disciplinary Approach
When: July 27th-30th
Where: Maison Gai Saber, 1 place de l'eglise, Leigne-sur-Usseau, 86230, France
For more information: contact tuncely@nietzschecircle.com or www.maisongaisaber.com

The Persisting Enigma: Reading Thus Spoke Zarathustra Today
When: April 14th, 2017 @6pm
Where: This is an RSVP only event and participants will be informed about the location prior to the event. Please RSVP by April 1st either with Luke Trusso at trussol@nietzschecircle.com or Yunus Tuncel at tuncely@nietzschecircle.com.
A Night with Jared Russell, celebrating his most recent book: Nietzsche and the Clinic
When: Friday, March 3rd, 2017 @ 6pm
Where: National Psychological Association for Psychoanalysis
40 W. 13th St, New York, NY 10011

The Persisting Enigma: Reading Thus Spoke Zarathustra Today
When: April 14th, 2017 @6pm
Where: This is an RSVP only event and participants will be informed about the location prior to the event. Please RSVP by April 1st either with Luke Trusso at trussol@nietzschecircle.com or Yunus Tuncel at tuncely@nietzschecircle.com.
Nietzsche and Dance An Affirmation of Life: Friedrich Nietzsche, Isadora Duncan, and the Making of Modern Dance
When: Saturday, April 30th, 2016 @ 7pm
Where: Isadora Duncan Dance Foundation
141 W. 26th St 3rd Floor, New York, NY

3rd Annual Symposium: Friendship from Plato to Nietzsche
When: July 28th-31st, 2016
Where: Maison Gai Saber, 1 place de l'eglise, Leigne-sur-Usseau, 86230, France
For more information: contact tuncely@nietzschecircle.com or www.maisongaisaber.com
Nietzsche Today Symposium: Nietzsche in History
When: Saturday, March 28th, 2015 @4pm