Selected Books on Nietzsche

"Nietzsche did not formulate a political theory. He criticized state institutions just as relentlessly as the political ideologies of his time. This critical distance, however, also enabled him to pose fundamental questions about the nature and purpose of the political, questions that remain relevant to this day. He reevaluated the political from the standpoints of psychology and morality, cultural enhancement and human flourishing."
Nietzsches Perspektiven des Politischen
Martin A. Ruehl and Corinna Schubert

"Much has been said on particular feelings that appear in Nietzsche’s works, such as pity, revenge, altruism, guilt, shame, and ressentiment. But there has not been a significant study on Nietzsche’s overall teachings on feeling and emotion. What does Nietzsche mean by feeling and the related phenomena?..."
Nietzsche on Human Emotions
Yunus Tuncel

The year 1888 marked the last year of Friedrich Nietzsche's intellectual career and the culmination of his philosophical development. In that final productive year, he worked on six books, all of which are now, for the first time, presented in English in a single volume. Together these new translations provide a fundamental and complete introduction to Nietzsche's mature thought and to the virtuosity and versatility of his most fully developed style.
The Case of Wagner, etc.
Translated by Adrien Del Caro with an Afterword by Andreas Urs Sommer

"Reveals the surprising influence of Ralph Waldo Emerson on many of Friedrich Nietzsche's defining ideas
Clarifies the overlooked contributions of Emerson to 20th century European philosophy and the relevance of his work to contemporary philosophy
Provides a more substantive understanding of Nietzsche's philosophy"
Individuality and Beyond
Benedetta Zavatta

"Nietzsche’s thought has been of renewed interest to philosophers in both the Anglo-American and the phenomenological and hermeneu-tic traditions. Nietzsche on Consciousness and the Embodied Mind presents 16 essays from analytic and continental perspectives..."
Nietzsche on Consciousness and the Embodied Mind
Manuel Dries

"Nietzsche and Kant on Aesthetics and Anthropology is dedicated to Nietzsche and 'Kant's own revision of Kant'. Taking up traditional aesthetic questions on beauty, the sublime and originality, this volume also covers anthropological issues of luxury, sociability, human nature, uniquely addressing topics that cut across the two domains and defy any clear-cut classification..."
Nietzsche and Kant on Aesthetics and Anthropology
Maria Joao Branco Mayer et al.

"The contributors in this volume address Nietzsche as a critic of the present, a philosopher of transformation, and his contribution to contemporary critical theories and movements. Was Nietzsche's critique emancipatory, aristocratic, reactionary, liberal, humanistic, or posthumanistic? Furthermore, the authors discuss in what sense he could be called on for feminist, ecological, conservative, pro- or anti-capitalist forms of critique."
Nietzsche als Kritiker und Denker der Transformation
Helmut Heit und Sigridur

"Nietzsche's critique of the modern subject is often presented as a radical break with modern philosophy and associated with the so-called ‘death of the subject’ in 20th century philosophy. But Nietzsche claimed to be a ‘psychologist’ who was trying to open up the path for ‘new versions and sophistications of the soul hypothesis'..."
Nietzsche and the Problem of Subjectivity
Joao Constancio et al.